Friday thoughts: CPD on a budget?

Friday thoughts.

This year at school I have started to circulate a weekly email to staff entitled ‘Friday thoughts.’ It has generally been received with a positive response and below is the email I sent yesterday. Perhaps you might like to do something similar in your school?

Happy Friday!

I don’t know about you but this week has felt like a long one to me.

I have been very touched by the lovely response that I have had to the Friday emails. I also thought it may be useful to share my thinking behind them.

In times of reduced budgets we need to find different opportunities to connect, learn, share ideas and engage in professional reflection. In these emails I try to provide stimulus for reflection around issues relating to inclusion, wellbeing and pupil support. Some ideas are mine but some are from people much wiser and more experienced than I am.

I would love for you to get in touch if you have an idea or piece that you would like included: I will simply act as curator and share.

This week, three things that I shared in my S4 assembly yesterday.

Inspiration from the Paralympics.

You may have seen this advert on the t.v. but it inspires me every time:

This one appeals to me as a dramatist and reminds us that the best of times can follow the worst of times:

And this, from the 2012 Paralympics. As I said to the pupils, everyone’s ‘proud’ will come from something thing different: for one it may be getting up in the morning and making it in to school/work when times are tough, for another achieving a gold medal, for another helping out a friend:

What have you done today?

Kindest regards

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